Welcome To Thinking Outside The Drill

My name is Mikaeya Kalantari and I am a pediatric dentist, dental practice owner, and lifestyle blogger. The 10 Second Back Story: Blogging and social media first started out as a hobby for me and has now turned into a full fledged secondary job and passion of mine.

Dental SEO And Social Media Course

Why You're Here

I Know Because I Was Once In Your Shoes Too

  • You Don't Understand The Ins And Outs Of The Online World

    Professional school leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to learning how to market your practice in a digital world.

  • You're Tired Of Wasting Money

    Marketing services such as SEO and social media management do not come cheap. And without an understanding of these topics, much of the strategies used remain largely out of your control.

  • You're Ready To Learn Vital Information For Viral Growth

    You have seen a strong online presence work for other practices and you are ready for your turn.

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Start Learning Now

Aren't you tired of spending loads of money on marketing strategies that may or may not be working for your practice? Don't you wish you had control over your own SEO marketing tactics? It's not as hard as you think to learn these useful strategies and I can show you how by sharing with you my tips and secrets that I have gathered over the past three years in my journey as both a lifestyle blogger and a dental practice owner. Click on the button below and let's get started!


  • What Will I Learn?

    In my SEO course you will learn where and how to focus SEO efforts, how to write successful blog posts, what tools you will need, and how to analyze your success. In my social media course (Coming Soon!) you will learn how to use Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to the advantage of your dental practice. You will learn what type of content to post as well as photography tips on how to produce fun, stylish content!

  • I Know Nothing About SEO or Social Media Nor Do I Have Much Interest, Are These Courses Right For Me?

    YES! My courses are designed at the beginners level as this is where many people in the medical field begin their journey. A few years back I was not tech savvy at all so I can assure you that ANYONE can learn this material! I will hold your hand and lead you step by step along this process - we will start with the basics and build on that throughout each course! Even if these topics do not hold much interest for you, it is my opinion that every practice owner should at least learn the knowledge and strategies and then have the ability to delegate tasks as desired. Leaving these items to a marketing firm or staff without you having knowledge of what is involved will likely have you missing out on lots of money and opportunities!

  • I Don't Have A Lot Of Free Time, Will I Even Be Able To Complete The Course In A Reasonable Time Frame?

    Great question! As practicing dentists, I know that your free time is valuable and scarce. All my lectures are made with that in mind. Majority of my lessons are twenty minutes or less and each course is designed to be able to be completed in 30 days if you are able to devote just 30 minutes, 3-4 days a week.

  • Will This Be Just A Bunch Of Generic Information I Can Find For Free Elsewhere?

    The uniqueness of this course comes from the fact that this is all based on my knowledge of learning SEO, social media, and blogging from a "blogger's perspective" and then transferring that knowledge to dentistry and helping my new dental practice grow. Sure there is information out there on many of these topics but if you are looking for specifics and personal experience from someone who is combining both smart SEO tactics and trending social media content with a modern day practice - then this is YOUR course!

  • What Type Of Return On My Investment Can I Expect?

    I too have been duped by other offers and courses that promise the world yet under deliver. I also feel that many things geared towards healthcare education are overpriced and adding to that is not my goal. This is why I priced my course at bare minimum- I want everyone to be able to feel they can access this information. In addition to a low course cost, organic SEO and social media traffic is, for the most part, FREE! I will teach you the basics and give you strategies for promoting your practice without spending a dime.... just your time (or a team member's if you choose to delegate your tasks). These tactics are GUARANTEED to get you more FREE exposure and brand awareness for your practice. If you choose to combine this with other paid marketing tactics, the sky is the limit!


I will show you exactly what it is and how it can work FOR your practice... it's actually quite easy! I will show you how to organically (aka FREE) rank near or at the top for targeted searches. Don't know what SEO stands for?? Don't worry we've got you covered there too!

Social Media

Do you feel like a hamster on a wheel trying to keep up in the social media world? Let me show you how to easily develop the RIGHT content and get it seen by the RIGHT people. I will help you to maximize the FREE exposure that social media provides!

Bonus Content

What's a good deal without a few freebies? Free stock photos, Instagram Hashtag Cheat Sheet and Posting Ideas are some of the bonuses you will find with my social media course! And to help you continue your mastery at SEO, you will have guides and mind maps for your website, blog posts, Google Analytics and more! These bonuses will leave you ready to put what you've learned into action right away while providing long term guidance!

What Are You Waiting For?

How much better would it be if YOU had the knowledge to understand SEO and social media so that you could either perform this task yourself or delegate it to another team member and save yourself thousands of dollars? Are you ready to take your dental practice and online presence to the next level? Are you ready to save money in doing so? Click on the button below to take the first step!

Let's Be Social!

  • Follow Along On Facebook

    @ThinkingOutsideTheDrill is a Facebook page where you will find the latest news on SEO and social media as well as how to videos and prompts for exciting group discussions!

  • Follow Along On Instagram

    Follow along with me on Instagram @thinkingoutsidethedrill for tips and news regarding SEO and social media. You can also gain insight and inspiration into how our office uses social media to connect with our patients and community by following us @sunshinesmilesoc